Elsa Bean

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Swans! Swans! 1-2-3!

All these swans are here with me!

On Christmas Day we went to the beach and saw swans swimming in Lake Ontario. They looked really cold. We looked for Canada across the lake and Dad said, "Do you think we could see the coastline of Canada if it wasn't so cloudy? Canadians hanging out at the beach drinking their Labatts?"

Then he whispered to me, "Elsie, on a clear day you can see forever! Don't ever forget that, sweetie." I looked at Mum and rolled my eyes.

Mum changed the subject by singing the swan song again.

"Swans! Swans! 1-2-3! All these swans are here with me!"

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Christmas Stove

"Is it very much farther Peteli?" Trudi asked. "I don't believe I can make my feet go ten more steps!"

We read the first two sentences from this book, The Christmas Stove, and Dad says, "Elsa, I have something in my eye..." and left me to finish it. I was like, wha? -I can't read! Then Mummy came in and said that Dad's Mum (Grandma Judy) used to read it to him when he was little.

I tried but I CAN'T READ! And there aren't that many pictures so I can't even like pretend to know the plot.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

One Finger Plus One Finger Equals Two Fingers

I had a birthday party on Saturday. I'm two!

I'm getting really good with numbers, and can count to ten: One...two...three...three...one!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Major Tom

Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
1...Ground Control...2...to Major Tom...3...
4...Commencing...5... countdown engines on...6...

Check ignition and may GOD'S LOVE BE WITH YOU!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Separated at Birth: Part 4

Rita Hayworth? C'mon Dad, I don't see it. I know you're a big fan of Gilda but jeez. It was romantic when you told me that the first time you met Mum you thought Mum looked like her.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Note to Parents

Do not allow your child to dance while you cut her fingernails. I may look like Rod Stewart but I don't want to dance like him while Dad brandishes a sharp instrument. Here I am on my second boo-boo pack.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Uncle Rob has made a bunch of new friends in New York. I'm happy for him. He invited this guy named Malfi over for dinner because he was from out of town and had nowhere to go. I must say, he was a little strange. Rob had to hold him up so he could talk, but the problem was, he never said anything. He just stared at people. And when no one was holding him he would fall over on his side and not move. Rob kept trying to include him and was really nice, but it was uncomfortable.

To be honest, I hope Rob doesn't invite him up for Christmas.


Google bought blogger.com and now my images won't load right. I knew THE MAN would find me!