Elsa Bean

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I Could Have Been a Contender

"I could have been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am."

Is that the quote? I can't quite remember. I'm only 2 1/2 and Dad was watching the movie on Turner Movie Classics while I was playing with my doll Lucy.

I'm much better at "Yo, Adrian!"

What is up with Dad and his boxing movies? Rocky and On the Waterfront, Fat City with Stacy Keach (Mum loves that one too- "Hey Mister!"), Raging Bull and When We Were Kings. He hasn't seen Million Dollar Baby yet- oh man he starts talking about Clint Eastwood and I have to do the whole doyoufeelluckypunk-welldoya? monologue and then we get into Coogan's Bluff??? I'm only 2 1/2!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Separated at Birth: Part 5

Donna Reed? I think Dad is just saying that so he can put a picture of her on my blog. Today he said I looked like a young Elizabeth Taylor, and I was like, "OK, that's it!"

Here she is circa 1953, when she won an Oscar for From Here to Eternity.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Pumps Lake

When it rains, it pours. I don't think Mum and Dad knew they were getting lakefront property when they bought our house.

I christened it "Pumps Lake". It appears about once a year when it really really rains, and sticks around for a few days. Dad likes it, he says it keeps the lawn in top-notch shape. I like it because of the ducks. There are two, and I wave to them in the mornings.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

My Reading List

While Dad is slaving away on The Sound and the Fury Mum and I are reading Tom Rabbit. Tom Rabbit is a story about a toy rabbit that gets left outside one night. Dad says it sort of echoes the loss that Benjy feels (at the end of the book he's reading) when his big sister Caddy leaves.

Here is what I'm reading:

The Mighty Asparagus by Vladimir Radunsky

Subway Sparrow by Leyla Torres

Tom Rabbit
You and Me Little Bear
ill. Barbara Firth

John, Paul, George, and Ben by Lane Smith

Because Your Daddy Loves You by Andrew Clements

Under New York by Linda Oatman High

Crow Boy by Taro Yashima

Kevin and His Dad by Irene Smalls and Michael Hays

Nova’s Ark by David Kirk

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


We were in St. Catherine's, Canada (EH!) this weekend to watch Brad and Brian play in a hockey tournament. I ordered poutine at this restaurant that was at the rink where they played. I only got a couple of bites in before I got distracted by two kids playing Air Hockey. When I got back to the table it was almost gone, and Dad looked a little bloated. Poutine is french fries with cheese and gravy on top. A pretty sweet combo that he says he will make for me when we get back to the USA!

