Elsa Bean

Monday, November 27, 2006

No Exit Strategy

OK. Dad picks me up at school and keeps saying, "We're going to go see the lights! He finished them today! We're going to go see the lights!"

And I'm like, whatever, OK, Christmas lights, blah blah blah. We drive home, get our warm clothes on, and walk over to see "the lights". On the way over I'm like, "dat way!" because I wanted to go that way which was the other way, away from "the lights".

However. When we rounded the corner you wouldn't believe what we saw. It's on this tiny corner city lot- they have this little 1500 square foot house with a backyard. This GUY has stocked his yard with inflatable Santas, SpongeBobs, Snowmen- and then in the back there is a WINTER WOOOOOOONDERLAND! Look at that photo! There are two choo choo trains that actually work, 25 christmas trees, 30 reindeer, a chorus of angels on the roof, a Santa that dances if you yell at him, 50 Nutcrackers, and tons of other stuff. It was crazy! I freaked out!

Needless to say, I was a bit upset when we left. Dad was asking other Dads (there were a lot of people there, it was bumpin') about their "exit strategy" but they looked at him with blank expressions. I guess I don't really grasp the concept of "We'll be back" or "Santa will be here tomorrow" yet, so I was understandably upset. And vocal. I was screaming and crying "MY SANTA!" on the way home which eventually turned into "MY MOMMY!" and then I couldn't differentiate between the two. I couldn't get past it either. He gave me yogurt and grapes for dinner and put me to bed.


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